Thursday, January 06, 2005


A letter to the editor in DH on Jan 5th 2005 regarding relief work and the tsunami :

IngratitudeSir, Indeed, it was very sad to come across the reality that whilst trying to start life from scrap, those affected by the tsunami have shown no qualms in making demands, thus hurting the sentiments of those who had spent time collecting used clothes and helping others get them distributed. The news reports that surfaced in many newspapers, about people demanding new clothes and not accepting the used ones, were very saddening. When so many have lost their lives, the demands being made by those who have been spared, who are not grateful for the magnanimity being shown by their fellow beings, would make many think twice, in the future, about being Good Samaritans.ANISH M JOHN, Kerala

and my reply :

The recent tsunami that hit South Asia has left many homeless and penniless. It is heartening to note that many in our country have ome forward to donate voluntarily for the rehabilitation of the affected. However i was disgusted after reading the letter sent in by Mr. Anish M John (Jan 9th) regarding the ingratitude of the victims.
An old clothes collection drive was undertaken in my locality and the organisers were rueing the fact that the quality of the clothes recieved was pathetic. The victims are human beings who have lived dignified lives, they were not beggars. Is the action of distributing worn out old clothes to dignified people who have lost everything in an undignified manner justified ?
Here I would like to mention the good work done by a mechant and shown on a prominent news chanel. Instead of blindly donating clothes and money in aid of the victims a certain merchant visited the affected areas and found out the real needs of the people. He returned to distribute a truckload of steel utensils. His actions were truly appreciated. True charity is that which is done without any expectation of gratitude.Does Mr. Anish expect the penniless victims of the tsunami to be grateful for the clothes that they dont need ?

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