First things first, life is going just great. Apart from a few medical scares in between and a few frustrating quarters at IIM Bangalore (thank God I am done with my PGSEM as of December 2011), everything else in my life seems to be interestingly poised. From a professional perspective, I got out of my comfort zone and made a risky move into the field of application engineering for Android. I think the pay offs are coming through. I have a great bunch of colleagues, been through one cycle of ramping up customers to bring out super products (check this) and most of all besides the technical competence that I am building up, I am also in-charge of a team of 11 contract engineers. My vision of creating a non-linear support model for Android customers will be tested in the coming year 2012. On the personal front, I think I know that I am not cut out to be a bachelor for the rest of my life and I look forward to being married to the pretty girl I have been in love with for the past three years. I have to move out of my comfort zone and convince my parents to bless this matrimony so that it actually fructifies before Christmas 2012.
Essentially what I am doing in 2012 is to move out of my comfort zone to get many long pending actions completed. Two important actions that I would like to do for sure
1. Exercise regularly
I have stopped using the elevators at office and at home. Walking up five flights of stairs is the first step I am taking to improve my health here.
Thinking of picking up a treadmill, since my work seems to keep me in office for more than 10 hours at a stretch usually.
Should go for a light jog in the afternoons in the office gym. I pay a membership fee that has been wasted for the past two years.
Stop eating red meat completely and cut down the usage of oil in food preparation that I am in control of.
Really give Yoga and meditation a shot ....
2. Write regularly
There are so many things I feel passionately about ... policy decisions, technology, philosophy ... I have got to start putting down my thoughts on paper (the virtual kind ...).
My writings should not just be technical or philosophical, I need to get back to writing stories, especially those that deeply explore human emotions and relationships.
Perhaps I should work freelance over the weekends for anybody who requires a copywriter ... really ambitious goal but possible perhaps ...
A few more resolutions that are slightly unrelated:
1. Figure out how to use Google+
2. Start using Twitter regularly (or at least periodically)
Well this is atleast a start after more than two years!